Philip Young
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Run one timer that automatically stops without forcing a break timer to start
This seems like such a simple thing that so many people would want. Just run one session then automatically stop without going into break.
Surely a basic distraction timer that you can connect with apple scripts, like the app already does, would have a lot more market fit than an app that forces you to break.
Tbh I think I might just make this myself, and use that instead. Would take half a off day
Philip Young
Yeah we have plan for this, the issue is the complexity on the details. If it automatically end, and one have multiple devices, the recorded session can be duplicated. There are many edge cases that make this simple feature complicated.
Philip Young Thanks, any idea when it will be rolled out?
Also, is there an easy way to end the break and the session at the same time?
That's why this is so frustrating. Because If I want to just run one session. The app goes into break, then to end the timing complely, I need to start the next session and then end that session.
Which starts and stops the apple scripts, or just ends up leaving the break running for hours
Philip Young
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Niklas vM
Hi! Would it be possible to implement Flowmodoro as well? It is explained in this article:
Sometimes I am preferring flowmodoro depending on the type of task I am working on.
Philip Young
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Count up timer
Ayca Aydin
I get more motivated if I use a timer counting up rather than counting down. Can you please add it as a setting?
Philip Young
Merged in a post:
Count Up Timer
I hate how I feel like im forced to do a specific amount of time when I wanna complete a simple task but still wanna track my focus and this simple task could take some time but not alot so its hard to predict. Please have a count up timer i’ll still like to track my focus rather predict how much. It really deters me away from using session.
The purpose of Pomodoro is to have breaks at regular intervals, so a count up timer would contradict this - but you can just set your default session to the minimum interval (which is 5 min) and let it overrun until you are done and then take a break.
Focus is varied, so this could help improve workflows on days you don’t wanna dread seeing 40 minutes left rather days you need motivation like “oh i did 20 mins let’s keep going!”. So this caters to a lot more people than restricted pomodoro. I also understand you can set it to one minute, but i just feel like its not elegant and doesn’t feel right/meaningful.
Again a reminder / sound could be played x minutes or notification to remind you when it’s going to end in settings. There is already a sound anyways on normal pomodoro session and you can turn it on off, this same goes for count up timer!
to add on, my energy level varies for different task and like revising on hard things i.e math i don't know how long i can revise for. And without having to restrict myself to a specific time it makes work flow better and makes me wanna do work rather waste energy thinking how long its gonna take or dread how long it is gonna take. Reading how you wanted a simple focus tracker I don’t see how this isn’t a thing already.
Andrei Tikhonov
Been using the app for 2 years and always wanted that feature. I'm a huge fan of tracking and logging my time.The app works wonders for the activities with a deadline. However, when I use it to track some free flow activities, like practicing the guitar, I wish I could see the time count forwards, not backwards. What I'm doing now to solve that is setting really long 8h sessions and hitting stop whenever I'm done. Still, a dedicated feature would be much nicer.
The request was filed in 2023. Now It's 2025. I hope the devs will find a spot for this request in their roadmap.
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